Thing 14 - Digital EBook Creation

I have downloaded several of the ebook creation programs to my personal ipad
over the years to check them out. I was most impressed with Book Creator.
I played with it a little but it is hard to use any of these programs with students
with just the one ipad in the library classes.
I was so excited when I decided to look at this cool tool and realized that they
had recently come out with a web version of Book Creator!

I now can have the whole class working on their own book at the same time.

As part of their tutorials, they have a great how to “ebook” that includes 50 ways
to use book creator

I did a sample book for a student that is wild about sharks. I added pictures and
links and even created a talking Sammie the shark using a program called
Chatter Pix.

I figured they could use this as a sample of how to add links and videos etc
to their own animal ebook.

One of the articles in this cool tool mentioned another program Storyboard That.

I have used that for years with students and I really like many of its features.
I don’t think of it as an eBook creator but maybe that is just a matter of
terminology. The students have made great “comics” with it about many topics -
Colonial Times, Famous Person etc. Example below - student created about
Martin Luther King:

I could see using these as part of an ebook creator like Book Creator.

Some other ideas for using book creator are:

I know one of the 1st grade teachers is using it with his more advanced students
and they love it.

I am thinking of doing it with a third grade class that want to study more about
unusual frogs above and beyond what they get from the curriculum text.

I set up a “class” and they get an invite code which they can create the book
and then they are automatically shared with me.


  1. Isn't bookcreator fun! I'm sure your students will love it. The shark book is great, nice job. Here's a tip on how to make a graphic to link to a video - seems that bookcreator might support video embeds someday, but for now, try this trick:


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